Viva Ruíz

LOGIC taught me about the IF THEN statement aka “deductive reasoning”
oh come let’s be reasonable you God people. Me too me too I’m a God
person! Let's make a prayer of affirmation based on that book, I can help you
see how perfectly acceptable positively exalted abortion is, it’s right there
right at the beginning. Here is a gift to you from our ministry, follow closely…
IF GOD SAID “Ahora hagamos al ser humano a nuestra imagen y semejanza”
THEN this prayer:
IF we are made in the image of God
THEN God orgasms every day
IF we are made in the image of God
THEN God’s gender is constantly expanding indescribable and sacred
IF we are made in the image of God
THEN God loves in the queerest most borderless ways
IF we are made in the image of God
THEN God has had multiple abortions
IF we are made in the image of God
THEN God is fierce, and chic too
SO IT’S SETTLED NOW AMEN go tell everyone this good news ashé
ABORTOS SON DIVINOS AMOR punto y ya hallelujah
Viva Ruíz is a community- and sex work- educated artist and advocate, and a descendant of factory-working Ecuadorian migrants raised in Jamaica, Queens. They are a maker working in performance, film, writing, music, and dance with a collaborative practice grown out of their experience in NYC nightlife. Ruíz founded the Thank God for Abortion initiative in 2015, an ongoing awareness-raising project with multiple manifestations.